My friend and I have decided to do our project to help homelessness by giving care packages to the H.E.L.P program. H.E.L.P is three grade 11 students who created a program to help homelessness for their grade 10 project. Our way of helping is going around and asking for donations from major stores to make small care packages that will be given to people on the streets. The packages will include things such as, socks, gum, fruit cups, kleenex, juice boxes, granola bars and deodorant, plus other things. I was also planning on sticking a happy note inside to give them a smile. I think that would make them feel really good. After we finished getting donations we would bring them and give them to the H.E.L.P guys so they could be distributed. It would be great if we also went with them to help give them to the people. It is an amazing way to make a difference in people's lives.
In my opinion, the differences between some children is terrible. Depending on where you live in the world some of these kids live in such luxuries and some live in nothing. For instance, a beauty pageant child lives in a room full of toys and  is full of anything she wants. But there is kids who live in poorer places such as Wadi Abu Hindi, The West Bank, who don't even have an actual room to live in. It is disgusting how some people can have so much but some people can have absolutely nothing and live in a dump. It isn't fair to have to live in something so rough. It is a shock to see and really opens your eyes to how lucky we are to have what we need. People shouldn't have to live in places that they don't even have a proper place to be sheltered and sleep. It is so cruel and inhumane.
Global Warming has been giving a big effect all throughout the world. No matter where you live there is always something that has somehow been affected by it. Be it the crop failure, freak storms, season climate change, all of them are the outcome of Global Warming. For instance, in Canada winter has been lasting longer then it should be. The weather is still colder then it was in past years. Also, up North, the polar ice caps have been melting heavily. With the ice caps melting many animals are losing their homes therefore dying off. As well, with ice caps melting there is more fresh water being pushed into the oceans which dilutes the water and also creates more of it. Which would then flood many areas that are close to sea level. There are so many problems to do with Global Warming and many people try to help it, such as by not using cars, turning off lights, and hanging clothes to dry. There is plenty of way to reduce your carbon footprint. The Government in many countries also tries to help by putting a limit on how much carbon you can emit per year. Each small difference helps to slow  Global Warming.
Rehtaeh Parsons was a 17 year old girl. She was sexually assaulted and committed suicide due to it. The person who assaulted her has not been found. This is such a terrible thing to happen. Not only was a young girl assaulted but she also took her life from it. A young girl should not have had to go through that trauma. The person who did this was cruel and harmful. How can someone go through that and still not feel bad at all about it? This person practically murdered this girl because their actions led to her death. Absolutely terrible. Rehtaeh had a whole life ahead of her and I wish she could have lived through it without harm. No one deserves what happened to her.
There have been many City Council meetings to decide whether a Casino should be made in Kitchener. Many people believe it would be a great way to entertain people and get money. But my opinion is it is not a good idea.  If a Casino is made in Kitchener it is just another reason to get people into trouble. There will be many people wandering the streets at night. Whether they are happy with their winnings or not the streets will become a rougher place. That will also get people really upset.  There will be a lot of losses causing a lot of depression and possibly debt. Also, people will be drunk causing stupid decisions and if you lost a lot of money you would be mad against people who have won. Or being drunk will attract you as easy pray to dangerous people already living there.
I found that going to this trip was a very good idea. All of the speakers were very inspirational. Each of them had different experiences which brought them to discover home. Every speaker had a unique way to make their speeches interesting to listen to. I loved watching the slam poet, Painter, perform because she made a poem about it which was really good. It helped us relate to what she was saying about home. I also really enjoyed watching H.E.L.P and young Cranston. Both of them were really brave to stand up in front of everyone, amongst adults, to tell their stories. It was a great experience.
HOLY COW! I swear everyone I know is getting sick.This weather is jut ruining everyone. My mother's sick, 2 of my friends are sick, people in my classes are sick, the people I babysit just got over a sickness and now I feel as if I might be getting sick! ugh. I have already been sick in Winter once so I don't want to get sick now that it is finally getting warmer. I am so sick and tired of this cold, snowy weather. It needs to be gone right now!! I am a warm, Summer type girl. So since Winter seems to be taking longer then normal I am starting to get a tiny bit grumpy... oops. I just miss the sunshine and warm breezes, tans and sunglasses, shorts and tank tops! Summer is my paradise. And Winter is well.. Winter. Cold and depressing. I barely go out for walks in the Winter because i get so cold, so I am feeling so out of shape. I need to get back out there walking my dog in the nice weather that I love! HMPH! Hopefully my type of weather will come back for me as soon as possible so I can get rid of this Winter sickness!

I am soooo excited. I finally got my room re-done so it actually looks really nice! My mother and I worked on it over March Break. We put nice new flooring in - a greyish wood laminate. That took soooo much work. As well, we painted my room. It used to be grey but now it's a nice relaxing spa, turquoise colour. And the shelf in my closet is hot pink. We are going to paint my door frame hot pink as well as other random things i will have as accents on my wall and in my room. Plus, i am going to get a new big bed to sleep in. We're going to paint my mothers old antique looking furniture white. So I can get rid of my old black ones. So far, I have none of my clothes in my room ( ok, well some of them ). But not in proper furniture. Also, my shoes take up my entire closet floor... I think I have enough (13).. oh well. ;p I still have a lot to finish my room but so far it is a huge improvement from how it was!
Well, what can I say. It has it's ups and downs. I love kids. I find them so amazing. I don't mean that in a creepy way! So most of the time I don't mind all the problems that come. Right now i have a regular baby-sitting job each Wednesday. I baby-sit 3 kids. 2 twin boys of the age of 2, and a young girl at the age of 8. For privacy I will give them fake names, Blue and Green for the boys, and Pink for the girl. Blue and Green cannot be more different. Blue is very sweet but tends to stick to his own. Play alone most of the time, but there is those sweet moments when he wants to cuddle with me :'). Green is such a goofball. Always trying to be silly and get as close to me as possible. He tried undressing me once! Haha. Both of them are really well behaved though. Pink is always full of energy. She's a great girl who is always in need to be doing something. So, each week it's something different, a craft or a game she has made. But there are also many difficulties. Cleaning diapers- yuck, getting the kids to bed on time, making sure they clean up their messes. They tend to listen well though which makes it an easy job. I'll keep updates on whats been happening with these 3 little monkeys when I babysit!
    This is going to be such a great experience that I can't believe I can go to. There are so many inspirational speakers that I know will make a difference in my life. I am most excited to see is the a capella group. I find it so intriguing that  they are willing to follow their dreams with something that most people don't listen too. Since Pitch Perfect I have found a respect for people who sing a capella because they have so much hard work they put into it. You have to be really talented. Another person I am happy to see is Brillinger, the pop, world and jazz singer mix. It is very creative and would be a unique experience. I have never heard such a mix of music and in general I like each type of music so it should be very entertaining. I am a very musical person so I am drawn to the musical part of these performances. I will be able to relate better. But, what I am also looking forward to is H.E.L.P. I want to see them perform because they are kids not much older then we are. Being able to see the difference kids our age can do is very empowering and will help inspire us to make a difference too. They are so young yet they are willing to put themselves out there to do what they think is right . All in all, TedxYouth@Waterloo is going to be fantastic and I can't wait to be inspired by all of the performers!